Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sending Off

Had my going away party. It was a blast. Thank you to everyone who came, it meant a lot! Had such a good time. Olga had 2 12 hours shifts but made time to show up, which I really appreciated. Andi moved a bunch of things around to come. Kyra actually stayed up 24 hours cause she opened at work the next day. Well she did fall asleep in my arms for a while, but I didn't mind :)

We all got pretty drunk, and had some good conversation, some good laughs. Afterwards several people came back to my place and watched Tropic Thunder. I was too drunk to drive so Chad drove. The steering wheel was so cold he had to borrow Kyra's little blue mittens, lol. We were all pretty pooped and eventually Craig and Lauren took off, and then Andi, Chad and Kyra split a cab. It was a really good night, and meant a lot to me.

Now it's sinking in I'm actually leaving. I went out for a smoke today and just watched the snow come down. I pictured standing outside my cousin's house, looking down the street and not knowing what was even around that corner. I imagined walking back in and sitting in the basement with nothing to do and nowhere to go. I know I'll meet people, and settle in, but it will definitely be weird at first, especially after such a send off. I'm going to miss everyone.

I bought a bunch of 360 games to keep me busy in Edmonton, plus I have WoW. I think Chad and I may have convinced Kyra to give WoW a try. It'll be another way to keep in touch.

Tonight Kyra and I are going to dinner and movie. I'm looking forward to it. Gunna miss her. Life is funny.

So for those I don't get to see in the days before I leave, I'll hopefully see you again in about 3-4 months!

1 comment:

lou said...

"ka-kaw!" is what i'm thinking in that last picture which to me means "farewell dale! keep blogging! you will be missed!"