Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Good Weekend

So things at work continue to go well.  I made up an Excel spreadsheet for something at work and emailed it to everyone on our project, just cause I thought it’d be helpful, and the lead of the entire project emailed me personally thanking me.  And I went for lunch with some of the guys from work, got some awesome pho, and one of them told me they overheard a conversation which sounds like we’ll probably be offered another term.

Yesterday it was +9 out!  Went down around Whyte Av to a pub called Next Act and played a really fun zombie board game and had drinks with a bunch of work friends and their friends.  It was fun, and I can see that Whyte Av is the place to be for good looking girls.  Still not Winnipeg calibre of course ;)

Today it was another beautiful day, so I ran a bunch of errands I’d been putting off.  Returned some movies, deposited some checks, ate at Taco Del Mar and faxed some documents to the government about the job I may have with them.  Phone interview is on Wednesday.

Other than that, I’ve been seriously addicted to Fallout 3 lately.  Seriously fun game.  I leave you with a screenshot from the game which I’m pretty sure is a subtle reference to the good ol’ YTV classic, Reboot.

ScreenShot25 Dot’s Diner!

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