Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Visitor In My Own Life

Sorry for the lack in entries.  Been busy as hell.

So to start…  The ride in.  18 hours straight in the car.  And a blizzard.  Yep, towards the Saskatchewan/Manitoba border a blizzard hit, and with the blowing snow I literally couldn’t even see a meter in front of my car with the brights on.  Pure white.  I had to drive 20km an hour while looking out my side window at the yellow lines passing just to make sure I was still on the road!  It was scary and claustrophobic.  Then to make it worse, I almost ran out of gas.  So for 4 hours I was driving with 0 visibility and watching my gas gauge near empty.  By the time I found a gas station in Hedingly the fuel light had been on about 15 minutes.  It was a stressful ordeal.  I parked my car outside my Mom’s place once I got in to Winnipeg around 5:00 AM and had a smoke to calm the nerves.  I went in and my Mom had slept on the couch waiting to make sure I made it home alright.

Other than that, the visit has been great.  Hung out with the gang the very next day.  Kyra was there and it was a lot of fun, great seeing her again, but things with her and I didn’t work out in the end.  That is a true casualty of me moving, cause in the end that was the only real problem.

It’s been so bizarre being a visitor to my own life.  When I pulled into Winnipeg it immediately felt like Edmonton had just been a dream.  It felt like I’d never left.  Even now, I’m sitting in my Mom’s basement, in the corner that was once my room!  It all feels so familiar and safe.  And in some ways I miss it, and in others I’m so glad to be out there trying something new and exciting.  Seeing my friends in person again has been great.  I really do have an amazing life here, and heading back out to Edmonton in a week might even be harder the second time.

Ashley and I had brunch at Cora’s, which was a lot of fun.  Afterwards we ran through the snow, sinking down to our knees in it, lol.  This was to get to the Humane Society to look at cute kitties.  It was a fun time.  She’s sick right now so tomorrow I’m bringing her some Chicken Noodle Soup and we’re gunna watch a movie.

Christmas was great.  I didn’t buy any presents for anyone since I had to pay a fair amount just to visit.  Everyone understood, kinda sucks though, I love buying people presents!  I did alright, got a fair amount of money, and an air pump for my car tires.  Bought some clothes out here too.  It was good seeing my family.  Sadly my Dad is out of town for Xmas this year so I didn’t get to see him, which was kind of strange.  My grandparents on my Dad’s side live near Andi so I visited her for a bit on Christmas Eve night. 

Chatted with my cousin Bill at the Xmas dinner on my Mom’s side.  Sounds like his ride from Edmonton to here was just as bad as mine, but for different reasons.

Tonight Kristina and I hung out.  It was actually really great hanging out with her again.  We were great friends before we went out, and things with her and I didn’t end well at first, so it’s nice to know we’ve both matured since then and been able to recapture our friendship.  Went to see Seven Pounds, which was a really good movie.  Lol, we went to the Fyxx for coffee beforehand, and then again after the movie.  I missed her.

Tomorrow Chad and I are going to see The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, really looking forward to that!

It’s been so great being back.  Smoke breaks with Andi, conversations with Brett and Tim, movies and games with Chad…  Nights just cruising around with friends, movies and pizza.  This is my life, and it’s great remembering that.  I have no idea what the future holds for me, but I love the life I have here, and am proud of it.  Now hopefully some of you will come visit me in Edmonton!

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