Monday, November 24, 2008

A New Life

So another day of exploring Edmonton, and getting settled into my new home with Bill and Tia. Loving it so far. It's such a cool feeling to be surrounded by new opportunity. Bill had been telling me more about the job and I'm just plain excited to go to work tomorrow morning. I really think I'm going to love it, and be good at it.

I've been thinking of this since I got out here. I'm normally very meticulous and have everything planned. I usually thrive on a routine. But I left my entire life behind, and out here I can't really say what's going to happen. So many things in my life I'm playing by ear, taking it day by day. Who knows what the future holds. It's a new feeling for me, and I'm loving it.
On the drive out here I stopped and slept at a motel in Brandon. After taking a shower I was looking at my tattoo in the mirror, and realized how significant it was. I had so many reasons not to go on that road-trip, but I knew it was something I had to do. And looking back I realize if I hadn't done it, there's no way I'd have had the courage to move out here. Even though I am here to pay off the debt I accumulated from the road-trip, it's so much more than that. It's opportunity.

I've been finding a bunch of cool places here. Like South Ed Common. It's just a section of the city with a ton of cool stores in it, has a very similar feel to Kenaston in Winnipeg. There's a Moxies, Earl's, a Famous Players, Pita Pit, and (*GASP*) a Le Chateau outlet. It's really warm out here so Bill and I have gone there both days and just walked around checking out the stores. I really wish all my friends in Winnipeg were here, cause all I'm thinking is how fun it'd be to go shopping at Le Chateau, grab some food at Moxies or Earls, then go see a movie. Then again I came here to get OUT of debt and away from impulse spending... But Bill is a total tech-nerd like me, so this may be a little difficult.

One thing I'll give Winnipeg, it had BEAUTIFUL women. In the past 2 days I've been hanging out in malls, grocery stores, video stores, PITA PIT... I have yet to see one 10. I've never been surrounded by so many people with so little to look at... I think I might have to make a term "Edmonton Hot", meaning hot by Edmonton standards... A shame.
One thing I've noticed, and Bill warned me about, is service. All the young people here have rich parents working with oil or some other boom industry, and so the kids are all spoiled little brats. So entry level jobs are hard to find staff for because none of the kids work, and if they do they don't know what they're doing and don't care cause they're only doing it cause their parents are making them, and even though they just started, are about to quit. And no one signals when they change lanes. But maybe the gravity is just different here... (That's a nod to you Brett, even though you'll never read this).

I got Skype working and used it a lot today. Called Chad from my iPhone and chatted for a while, then called my Mom from the PC to tell her how things were, then Kyra and talked with her for half an hour. It was good to talk with her. Andi called soon after that and we ended up talking for an hour and half. Lol, we both went out for smokes at the same time. Even provinces apart we keep up that tradition.

But I better start thinking of getting to bed, I have to wake up at 7:30 tomorrow morning... Yikes.

1 comment:

lou said...

"I've never been surrounded by so many people with so little to look at... "

dale! so rude! but it did make me laugh lol